Cold calling Battlecard

Cold calling Batlecard

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Does a battle card help with cold calls?

Hello Dear, 

This article is aimed at Marketing & Sales teams to become more effective in their Cold calls. All of us who started reaching out to prospects by call have had reactions such as – We are already working with some other company for this, there is no need, I don’t know this company, I’m not authorized for this, this is too expensive, just send me an email. 

For that, We have developed a cold-calling Battle Card which you can customize. For this example, we are selling:

      • Product: Salesforce Commerce – An e-commerce platform 

      • Target Audience: Companies which sell more than 10M online, and 3 or more countries

      • Target persona: E-commerce Manager, Director 

      • Main benefits from competitors: online sales channel manager, Audience target manager, Email campaign manager

    Taget comapny & persona

        • Thomas : Ecommerce manager 

        • Countries: US want to scale to Europe

        • They sell cameras 

      How the Battle card looks like and What are the 4x Golden Pillars of a Pre-Discovery Call: 

      Value led intro – open up a conversation

      After hearing 1000 calls, most of them end in the first 3 Minutes. 

      How to star a call: the goal of a value-led intro is to open up a conversation with Thomas from; 

      – Paul: Hello, Thomas, I am Paul at Salesforce e-commerce – I pause to get a reaction and assess his/her tone

      -Thomas: Hello Pablo, tell me I don’t have time. – I Assess the tone

      -Pablo:  Salesforce e-commerce manage your online sales and I am currently speaking with a lot of e-commerce managers in the industry. They are ALL telling me for OBVIOUS reasons that they are taking advantage of the IA in their processes  – How are you guys currently managing this? – I ask about a benefitial trend to open up a conversation


      To open up a conversation in this example we have created an infom/invite. 

      What is an inform/invite? – It is a shot sentence ended with an open question such as – Hos are you managing this? which related a benefitial treend of the industry with the product I am selling and their case. 

      For example, in this case IA trend on online sales for opening the conversation. 

      You can look for trends at : 




        Thomas: Yes, we are taking advantage of IA search, …. – Let them speak 

        Optimization Question

        Once the conversation is open with Thomas, ecommerce manager ar, we ask him what would be ideal for him.

        Paul: Thomas, I know, IA search is evolving the way we sell online, and – Hypothetically, in comparison to what you are using at the moment – What would you choose to optimize if everything was possible? – We focus the conversation on understanding what is the current situation of online sales, and what would be ideal for them

        Thomas: Actually our ecommerce platform is an in house development in the US, and we are scaling fast from the US to Europe, and is dificult to scale to Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Nehterlands, Turkey, Poland, Belgium, Sweden, Ireland.

        Paul : Why is importanto to scale?

        Thomas: Because our goal is to grow 25% YoY and at the moment we are acording to plan, but if we scale to Europe it would increase our Total Addressable market by 40%.

        Paul: How is that affecting to the business?

        Thomas: could be capturing more market in europe.

        Paul should Ask What else, and the same questions for the diferent needs which appears.



        Paul: If there was a solution out there that could offer you TOP 10 european languages translation, localization, optimization, and payment method platform to increase your total addresable market … How open would you be to taking a look? 

        Typically, what people prefer is to have a more tailored conversation with a specialist that can give depper insights. How would your diary look like next week? 


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